Black Holes A Phenomenon

 Black Holes

Black holes, black holes, black holes are amazing things, I guess today we'll talk about that! Well, let's begin!!


Ok, Ahem! A black hole is an extremely powerful object in space/astronomy, that there are tons of mass. And have astounding gravitational fields, but first, this might pop you with a lot of questions. Like, how do black holes form? How many types of Black holes are there? Is it dangerous? Who found black holes?

Who found black holes?

Roger  Penrose and Albert Einstein proved that black holes existed. Albert Einstein knew that there is a black hole by using his general theory of relativity. Roger Penrose discovered and revealed that black holes exist by spectating quantum physics and relativity. 

A Dangerous Phenomenon

Is a black hole dangerous? Indeed, it is a very treacherous thing in space. In fact, we can't escape from it, not even the speedy light! Wowsers! There was an astrophysics theory called "spaghettification". This theory was founded by Stephen Hawking, an astrophysicist that this theory was basically about that when an object enters the singularity (the center part of the black hole) or goes beyond it, it will stretch like spaghetti, and it is surely painful. So that's why it's called that.

Types of Black Holes

There are four types of these menacing black holes.

1. Stellar Black Holes: They're very, very, very important to space because they send atoms that help form new stars. Although they are very complicated to detect with our satellites

2. Intermediate Black Holes: These black holes are more solar masses than stellar black holes and have lower solar masses than a Supermassive Black hole.

3. Supermassive Black Holes: They have extremely impressive gravity and are usually at the center of the galaxy to hold up trillions of stars, solar systems, stellar nurseries, planets, and more! 

4. Miniature Black Holes: Just by seeing the name, you could see that these black holes are small, and you are right!!

How is a black hole formed?

A black hole is formed when a star dies and a star explosion happens. This is called a supernova. And then it will either form in a black hole, pulsar/neutron star, or a dwarf. In this case, a black hole. 

And that's how it forms!!

Thank you!

-Akshaya Dhathri Bandari 


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